The Benefits of Girivalam on Specific Days of the Week-Arunacahalam Giri Pradakshana

Hi, All in this topic I would like to explain about Arunacahalam Giri Pradakshana and The Benefits of Girivalayam on specific days of the week.

Girivalam, also known as circumambulation, is a sacred practice revolving around the Arunachala mountain. Lord Arunachalesvara, one of Lord Shiva’s thousand and eight names, is fondly called “giripradakshina Priya”. Undertaking Girivalam is a rare privilege, and it requires blessings


The Arunachalam Temple’s history is rich with intriguing legends. One such tale recounts how Goddess Parvati, in a playful moment, once covered Lord Shiva’s eyes, shrouding the universe in darkness. Realizing her error, she embarked on a penance, prompting Lord Shiva to manifest as a blazing column of fire atop a hill. This fiery column transformed into the Agni Lingam, while the hill became known as Tiruvannamalai.

Facts :

Another fascinating legend revolves around a competition between Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma, who sought to determine their superiority. They turned to Lord Shiva as the impartial judge. Lord Shiva presented a challenge: whoever reached either his crown or feet first would be declared the winner. To facilitate this, he assumed the form of a towering column of fire, the Agni Lingam.

Lord Vishnu swiftly transformed into Varaha, a boar, and began digging deep into the earth in a bid to reach Lord Shiva’s feet. Meanwhile, Lord Brahma morphed into a swan and soared towards the heavens, aiming for Lord Shiva’s crown.

In the course of his ascent, Lord Brahma encountered a falling flower called Thazhampu. Inquiring how much longer he needed to fly to reach the crown, he was astonished when the flower revealed it had been falling for thousands of years without reaching the ground.

Being known to Lord Brahma, he manipulated the Thazhampu (A kind of flower)and presented it to Lord Shiva, falsely claiming it as a gift from the crown. Lord Shiva, however, discerned the deceit and cast a curse upon both Lord Brahma and the flower.

Consequently, Lord Brahma lacks dedicated temples in his honor, and Thazhampu (A kind of flower) is not employed in worship rituals. This captivating narrative is depicted in the murals of the Lingothbhava and Tiruvannamalai Arunachalam Temple.

The construction of the Tiruvannamalai Arunachalam Temple dates back several millennia, with inscriptions suggesting that it was built by the Chola Kings during the 9th century.

The Divine Presence:

Goddesses like Lakshmi, Parvathi, and guardian deities frequent the Girivalam path. Siddhars (sages) continue to perform circumambulation in subtle forms.

Girivalam is a unique blessing and not merely for personal gain, but to honor Lord Arunachalesvara, who bestows ultimate liberation.

Specific Days of the Week:


Begin with a ritualistic dip in holy tirthas and darshan of Lord Arunachalesvara. Donate to the poor and homeless to advance your spiritual journey. Girivalam on Sunday leads to liberation and unity with Lord Shiva


Bathe in holy tirtha and perform Girivalam in wet clothes for authority and power. Girivalam on Monday helps with career promotion and unemployment.


Girivalam on Tuesday frees one from debt. Reciting Angaraka Runa Vimochana stotram at Yama Lingam is recommended.


Wednesday Girivalam can enhance education and knowledge. Seekers acquire wisdom through this practice.


Thursday is dedicated to Dakshinamurthy, and sages bless devotees with spiritual inclination. Spiritual seekers are rare but cherished.


Girivalam on Friday is associated with abundant wealth and Lord Vishnu’s blessings.


Seek the grace of Navagrahas through Girivalam instead of expensive rituals. Girivalam safeguards against planetary influences.

Girivalayam Benefits

Girivalamor Arunacahalam Giri Pradakshana holds three significant benefits.

  • Spiritual benefit: Circumambulating Aruna Giri is akin to meditating on Lord Shiva.
  • Karmic dissolution: Cheerful completion of the 14km path helps dissolve karmic burdens.
  • Earthly benefit: Aruna Giri is abundant in medicinal plants, offering well-being.
  • Skanda Purana mentions the connection of Aruna Giri to the medicinal Sanjivani mountain. Arunachala’s sanctified atmosphere, rituals, and Vedic chants emit positive vibrations that guide us toward truth.


Timings for darshan and Arunachalam Giri Pradakshana:

The Arunachalam Temple is open all 365 days of the year

Girivalam, or circumambulation, is a deeply emotional experience that defies explanation; it must be personally experienced to be truly understood.

The above is the brief about Aruchalam Giri Pradakshana you can see all the other temples\’ info on my Temples blog.

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