What is the Speciality of Raghavendra Swamy?

Raghavendra Swamy

Once upon a time, near the Kaveri river, there was a young sage with a radiant face deeply meditating. A wealthy man named Bhima Rayudu passing by noticed the sage\’s glow and invited him to join a ritual called \’Sethu Samaradhana\’ at his home. After some reluctance, the sage agreed. The next day, when the sage arrived at Bhima Rayudu\’s home, he was ignored as the host was busy with guests and rituals. This lack of proper hospitality goes against the principle of \’Athidhi Devo Bhava\’ (treating guests like gods).

Similar to hosting events where hosts neglect guests, Bhima Rayudu\’s oversight led to a series of events. The sage, unnoticed, started reciting Vedas in a corner. During a ritual, the priests needed sandalwood paste, and the sage was ordered to make it for everyone. Unfortunately, the paste caused skin irritation. Bhima Rayudu discovered the mistake and apologized to the sage, who revealed himself as Raghavendra Swamy.

Raghavendra Swamy\’s life unfolded with him being born in 1595 as Venkatanadh. He underwent education under Sudheendra Tirthalu and married Saraswathi. Following divine instructions, he faced financial hardships, ultimately taking Sanyasam in 1621, and becoming Raghavendra Swamy. His wife, unable to bear the challenges, tragically ended her life.

Raghavendra Swamy\’s commitment to his Sanyasa Dharma impressed his guru, Sudheendra Thirthulu. Even after his wife\’s death, Raghavendra Swamy continued his spiritual journey, alleviating suffering and guiding people. The story highlights the consequences of ignorance, emphasizing that suicide is not a solution and the importance of understanding life beyond death. Raghavendra Swamy\’s teachings and actions left a lasting impact on many lives, illustrating the power of faith and devotion.

In the first part, we learned about Sri Raghavendra Swamy\’s Guruji going into Brindavana and ordering Sri Raghavendra Swamy to go around the country. In this second part, we will learn about the places Sri Raghavendra Swamy visited and the great deeds he has done.

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Miracles done by Raghavendra Swami

Swamy first visited Tanjavore from Kumbhakonam. The king of Tanjavore, Vijaya Raghava Nayaka, was known for his ego and would often pick fights with neighboring kingdoms. Due to his behavior, all the kings defeated him and took away the wealth of his kingdom. The kingdom suffered from drought and famine, and people had to flee. Realizing his mistakes, the king sought Sri Raghavendra Swamy\’s help. Swamy agreed and entered the kingdom.

In Tanjavore, Swamy wrote \”Sri Rama Beeja mantram\” on the walls of the food storehouse. He guided the king and his wife in performing rituals for three days. Miraculously, it rained grains from the sky, ending the drought and famine. The king, overwhelmed, offered a precious diamond necklace to Swamy, who refused to accept it. The king insisted, and Swamy placed the necklace in the fire during a yagna. Later, when the king regretted giving it away, Swamy retrieved it through another yagna.

\"Sri Sri Rama Beeja mantram

From Tanjavore, Swamy traveled to Tirunelveli, where he encountered a Sudra who wished to learn Vedas. Swamy, recognizing the man\’s sincere desire for spiritual knowledge, sprinkled holy water on him, allowing him to study the Vedas. This challenged the local scholars, highlighting Swamy\’s emphasis on interest over caste.

Swamy then visited Udipi, where he meditated upon the beautiful Balakrishna deity. During his meditation, Krishna appeared and danced, and Swamy played the Veena for him. Swamy received a powerful idol of Krishna from Udipi.

Next, Swamy went to Pandaripuram, where a pregnant woman in labor was miraculously assisted by Swamy. He prayed to Varuna for water, and a fountain emerged from his kamandalam. The water was collected, and the delivery took place under a bullock cart roof made from Swamy\’s shawl.

Swamy continued his journey, blessing places like Kolhapur, Nasik, Savalur, and Hubli. In Savalur, he resurrected a Nawab\’s son who had died of snakebite by attracting a serpent that removed the poison.

On the way back to Kumbhakonam, Swamy encountered a young cowherd named Venkanna, who became his disciple. Swamy assured Venkanna that he would always come to his rescue. Additionally, three astrologers predicted different lifespans for Swamy, with one even suggesting he would live for 700 years.

Places to see in Mantralayam(Raghavendra Swamy temple)

The four main disciples of Swamy are Venkanna, Rama Chandrudu, Guru Venkatudu, and Appanacharya. Miracles happened in their lives due to Swamy\’s grace.

Let\’s focus on the story of Venkanna, who was an animal keeper blessed by Swamy. While Venkanna was singing songs written by Purnadara Dasa, the king of Adoni, Siddique Masood Khan, passed by. The king had received two messages but couldn’t read them. He instructed Venkanna to read the messages, but Venkanna, being uneducated, could not. The king got angry and threatened him. People warned Venkanna about the king\’s unpredictable nature.

Remembering Swamy\’s blessings, Venkanna took the messages and, with Swamy\’s grace, could suddenly read them. The messages contained good news about a recent victory and the birth of the king\’s son. Overjoyed, the king made Venkanna the Nawab of Adoni. Venkanna prospered there and awaited Swamy\’s visit.

When Swamy visited Adoni, a miracle happened.

Similarly, another disciple, Guru Venkatudu, had unshakable faith in Swamy. When Swamy visited Ramapuram, the head of the village expressed their blessings for hosting a great avatar and mentioned that his son-in-law, searching for a guru, had returned. Swamy blessed the young man and advised Guru Venkatudu to pursue marital life. However, Guru Venkatudu faced a venomous snakebite and sudden death. Swamy revived him with mantras and soil.

Another disciple, Ramachandrudu, expressed his desire to marry after witnessing Guru Venkatudu\’s story. Swamy blessed him and gave him a pinch of soil during a yogic cleansing. Ramachandrudu accepted it with devotion and experienced its power. He later encountered an evil force threatening a family. Using the soil, he freed the family from the evil power.

These instances showcase Swamy\’s miraculous interventions in the lives of his disciples. Swamy also performed miracles like resurrecting a boy who fell into a tank of mango juice, proving the existence of God and Vedas to a skeptical ruler, and empowering a tribal person.

In Maanchaala, Swamy instructed his disciples to dig, unearthing a holy Agni kundam. Swamy predicted three different lifetimes for himself: 76 years in human form, scriptures empowered for 300 years, and a stay in Brindavan for 700 years. Swamy implanted a Hanuman deity, and before leaving, he asked his disciples to dig out an anthill to free a serpent from the material world. In Maanchaala, Swamy felt nostalgic upon seeing a familiar Agni Gundam and predicted an accident, saying \”All for good.\”

Guru Raghavendra Swamy

 Once upon a time, there was a man named Shankakandhudu who served Lord Brahma. One day, Lord Brahma worshiped Lord Rama, and Shankakandhudu was captivated by the form. He pleaded with Lord Brahma to let him worship that form, and Lord Brahma, for the prosperity of the world, had a statue of Lord Rama, known as Moola Rama.

Shankakandhudu, in his next births as Prahalada and Bhalikudu, continued to have a deep devotion to Lord Vishnu. In his final birth as Sri Raghavendra Swamy, the statue of Moola Rama came into his possession through a series of events involving Lord Hanuman.

Swamy performed many miracles, including saving a woman from a fire by invoking rain. Divine Mother appeared before him in the form of a Saligrama Sila. Swamy then established a new matha in Manchala, blessed by Divine Mother.

Later, he went to Bichchali and performed penance, receiving the darshan of Panchamukha Hanuman. Swamy\’s divine powers were evident when he accepted meat offered by the Nawab but transformed it into sweet fruits.

As Swamy neared the end of his physical presence, he instructed his disciples, including Appanacharya, on the construction of his Brindavanam. Swamy entered Brindavanam alive, promising to stay for seven hundred years.

Appanacharya, who was away on a pilgrimage, learned about Swamy\’s imminent samadhi. He rushed back but reached only after Swamy had entered Brindavanam. Devotees completed the Sakshi Hayagriva Stotram initiated by Appanacharya.

In Bichchali, Swamy instructed the construction of another Brindavanam using a special rock connected to Lord Rama\’s visit. Swamy assured Appanacharya that he would always be with him. Swamy then went into a divine form to provide solace to Appanacharya.

In Mantralayam, when the British officer Sir Thomas Munroe tried to abolish the jagir granted to Swamy, he had a miraculous encounter with Swamy. Swamy answered Munroe\’s questions, and the officer acknowledged the divine intervention.

To this day, devotees visit Mantralayam and Bichchali to seek the blessings of Sri Raghavendra Swamy, who continues to be a source of solace and miracles.

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